Red Sea Fun Tours

come and enjoy with us

Red Sea Fun Tours El Quseir

Boat Dolphinhouse
One of the most famous diving spots in this area is Dolphin House. We will pick you up at your hotel and drive to the harbour of Marsa Alam. We will start there from 8:30. The boat will drive 1 hour in south direction. The boat will stay at Samadai Reef all day. The first dive will be in the canyon. It's a beatiful place where you can enjoy the game of the dark of the canyon and the sunlight that can be seen underwater. The canyon is situated at 5 meters depth. After your first dive, there is surface time. You can stay on the sundeck to relax, or, if the dolphins are there, you can go snorkeling with the dolphins. After the surface time, the second briefing will start and you will do your second dive. You can see the beautiful coral of Samadai Reef.
After the second dive, you will have lunch ad time to relax while the boat is driving back to the harbour. At the harbour, the taxi is waiting to bring you back to your hotel.
- pick up at your hotel (transfer)
- boat entrance
- 2 dives
- diving guide
- soft drink, tea , water and coffee all the trip
- lunch
- diving permission
- weights and tank
- diving equipment
- private guide
- for Dolphin House you need to pay extra for the ticket of the National Park
